Welcome to St Nicolas and St Mary CE Primary, Shoreham- by-Sea. If you are interested in applying for a place for your child to start in September 2025 please click on the Admissions Information for 2025 tab on the right. Do also watch one of the following videos from last year, which will be updated shortly:
- Day in the life of St Nic’s & St Mary’s (4 minutes) Watch our children enjoying school! A day in the life of St Nicolas and St Mary's - Click here
School Admissions
If you are interested in applying for a place for your child, please download the school prospectus.
The Governing Body, as the admissions authority, is responsible for all admissions to the school. These arrangements and the admissions criteria are reviewed annually. The school’s admissions arrangements, including oversubscription criteria, is available to download below.
Moving to our School
If you wish to move to our school, please complete this Provisional registration form. For further information on places available, booking a school tour or adding your child to our waiting list, please phone 01273 454470 or email
If your child is not offered a place at your preferred school, you have the right to appeal against that decision to an Independent Appeal Panel. Parents wishing to exercise this right should write to the school office in the first instance. All appeals must be received within 20 days of the National Offer Day for primary Schools (16 April 2025) to be heard on time. Appeals will be heard within 40 days of the deadline for lodging an appeal. Guidance about the appeals process can be found on the West Sussex website
Late application appeals will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.
In-year applications will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.
Admission to Little Fishes Nursery
There are separate admissions arrangements for the school’s Nursery – Little Fishes. Please note that admission to the Nursery does not guarantee a place in the Reception class and parents with children in the school must not assume younger siblings will automatically gain a place. The school may be oversubscribed and parents and carers are advised to look carefully at the Admissions Arrangements and seek advice to ensure that forms are correctly and fully completed.
Please contact the school office to enquire about places in our Nursery.
Myths - FAQs
School Admissions is a complex process - here are some common questions:
Q. Do I have to go to church or fill in a church form?
A. No. If we have a place then we will offer it to you. Only if we are oversubscribed does being a "regular worshipper" affect your chances of getting a place.
Q. The Local Authority Admissons Office say St Nic's may not have a place.
A. Do check with us. We will tell you if we have any places or not.
Q. What happens if St. Nic's is full? Can I appeal for a place?
A. If we are full, we cannot offer you a place. However you do have the right to appeal.
Any other questions? Please contact the school!
Parents/carers who would like their child to have a place in a reception class, either at St Nicolas and St Mary Primary School or another school, MUST apply for a place. Children in the nursery do not take precedence over children who do not attend the nursery. There is a separate admission policy for children applying for a reception place. Please ask at the school office for admissions advice. Wherever children go to school, we will endeavour to ensure that the transition is as smooth as possible.
There is some flexibility when a child can start full and/or part-time at school. By law children must start school in the term following their 5th birthday. However, the school cannot hold a place open for a summer-born child whose parent defers to the following September. If you wish to defer entry, please contact the school.
Children normally start school full time from September regardless of their birth date – there may be some half days at the beginning of term. However, if your child was born between January and August and you would prefer them to start part time please contact the school.