Our Curriculum Rationale
Our school vision underpins everything we do at school.
'Be Courageous! Live and Learn in Faith, Hope and Love'
As a school, we are proud of our broad and balanced curriculum, which has been designed to meet, and build upon, the requirements of the National Curriculum and the Early Years Foundation Stage in an inspirational, innovative and inclusive way. We place a high value on creativity within our knowledge-engaged curriculum where both the factual knowledge of a subject and the skills to succeed in that subject are encouraged and developed. We aim to provide a rich and engaging learning experience that develops cultural capital with teaching that inspires pupils with a joyful, life-long love of learning and motivates them to do their best, whatever their ability. We seek to provide a challenging and calm working environment, where high expectations are set and children flourish both within the classroom and as a member of our school community.
In our Teaching and Learning Policy you will find useful information on the following:
- Curriculum and Planning
- Teaching and Learning Strategies
- Presentation
- Assessment, Marking and Feedback
- Targets
- Building Learning Power
- Learning Environment
- Parent Consultation Meetings
- Monitoring
This policy is regularly reviewed and updated to show our current practice.
Curriculum Maps
Please click on the subject curriculum maps below to see coverage in each year group. For coverage of maths and English across the school, please look in the subject tabs.
The National Curriculum statutory requirements for each year group can be found in the curriculum maps at the bottom of this page.
- Y1 Subject Curriculum Map
- Y2 Subject Curriculum Map
- Y3 Subject Curriculum Map
- Y4 Subject Curriculum Map
- Y5 Subject Curriculum Map
- Y6 Subject Curriculum Map
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Curriculum
Since September 2014 we have been following the new National Curriculum. We will give you additional information about the curriculum at the beginning of each term. Each teacher produces a termly newsletter which outlines some of the themes and activities for the term ahead. Other letters and leaflets are produced which should help keep you informed.
For information on how we teach 'Relationships and Sex Education' (RSE) and 'Zones of Regulation' please look in the PSHE pages.
Home learning
Homework is an important part of school life. This can include many activities such as reading, mental maths, games, collecting things or carrying out research. Class teachers will keep parents informed about the homework requirements for their classes. Please go to Our School > Policies to see the homework policy, or CLICK HERE.
Helping your child
Extensive research carried out by the National Literacy Trust has found that for all children, reading activity at home has significant influence on their reading achievement; that reading comprehension is related not only to provision of books in the home, but also to conversations between adults and children about books and articles they have read and also that parents' and carers' attitudes and support towards their children's learning influence performance on literacy tests. Reading with your child is a good investment of your time and we would really encourage parents to read every day with their child. Do talk to your class teacher about how we can support you in helping your child with reading.