Welcome to Maths at St Nicolas and St Mary CE Primary School
Here you will find our Maths Curriculum Maps detailing the journey our children make in maths from year 1 to year 6. They set out a robust and highly interconnected path of development through the subject. We aim to inspire our children to delight in the power and wonder of maths and to engage with it in a creative and fun way.
Our Maths Vision
At St Nicolas and St Mary, we want children’s positive attitude towards maths to help them navigate everyday life. Our dynamic maths curriculum is structured so that all learners revisit and deepen their core skills in fluency whilst explaining their reasoning and solving problems through mastery maths.
- Children explore a range of strategies to make connections in their learning and apply them independently.
- Our marvellous mistakes are embraced as an opportunity to learn and possible misconceptions are discussed and explored.
- Oracy is a priority and children are given opportunities to collaborate and discuss maths in a respectful, supportive environment.
- Throughout the school, children use a variety of physical and pictorial resources which enable a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.
- The use of flexible, targeted intervention and pre-teaching ensures that misconceptions are addressed and gaps are filled.
Maths Coverage: White Rose Maths
At St Nicolas and St Mary, we follow the White Rose Maths scheme of learning. This is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in mathematics. This scheme is not just about teaching maths, it is about developing mathematical thinking skills. The aim of this scheme is to ensure that students are able to think mathematically and solve problems with confidence.
Our aim is for young mathematicians to become:
- Confident and able to recall and apply mathematical knowledge in different contexts
- Able to explain their methods and thinking processes and apply skills in context
- Fluent in different areas of maths
- Efficient in applying problem-solving and reasoning skills
- Independent thinkers
The mastery method is based on the idea that learning mathematics should be fun and enjoyable. It focuses on developing deep understanding rather than memorisation. This means that it helps children develop self-belief, persistence and resilience.
White Rose Maths helps children develop their conceptual understanding of mathematics by using concrete objects, pictorial representations and abstract thinking.
Year Group Maps
Please click on the links below to see the maths coverage within each year group.
Marvellous Maths
Please enjoy this video showcasing maths at our school.
To find out more about maths at our school, please have a look at the Parent Handbook and Sumdog guide below. In response to requests from parents, we have also produced a guide to support work with times tables at home. This includes information on National times table expectations, top tips, games and useful websites to develop confidence in your child.
We have created some 'tutorial' videos to support parents and pupils in understanding the different stages of the four key mathematical operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Please browse the videos, for addition, which can be linked to the progression poster found in the Parent Maths Handbook. We hope you find these useful.
There are also some useful videos on the NCTEM website: