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Octopus & Starfish Clubs

For the Little Octopus and Little Starfish clubs please click here or go to Nursery page. 

Octopus Breakfast Club and Starfish After School Club

Our clubs aim to provide excellent childcare for children who are full time in reception to year 6, in line with the ethos of the school. 

Octopus Breakfast Club

Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 8.45am - £5 per session.

Children can be dropped off from 8.00am at the Rainbow Room back door, please follow the signs to the Rainbow Room and ring the bell.  Parents should accompany their child and hand them over to a member of staff.  All children will be offered a breakfast which includes a number of healthy options such as cereal and toast.  Breakfast time will be a sociable time with groups of children sitting together around a table.  Children will go straight from the Breakfast Club to their classrooms at 8.45am.  

Starfish After School Club

Monday to Thursday, 3.15 until 5.30pm - £8.50 per session (£9 from September 24) and Friday 3.15 until 5.00pm - £7.50 per session (£8 from September 24).

Children will go straight from their classrooms at the end of the school day, or from their after school extra curricular club, to Starfish Club.  Drinks and a small snack are included in the session price.  Drinks on offer will be water and squash.  Parents can collect their child any time up until 5.30pm on Monday to Thursday and 5.00pm on a Friday.  Children need to be collected from the back door, please follow the signs to the Rainbow Room and ring the door bell.

Children must be picked up on time, no later than 5.30pm Monday to Thursday and 5.00pm on a Friday.  If children are picked up late, parents will be charged £3.50 for every 15 minutes later than the club closing time.

Activities on Offer

A number of planned activities will be on offer.  These will vary from day to day and week to week.  Activities may include opportunity to complete homework, reading and use of the library, use of the computer suite, games in the main hall, cooking, painting, drawing and craft, board games, activities on the field or playground, and music.

Making a Booking and Payment

Spaces in the Octopus and Starfish Clubs are available to book on a first come first served basis via sQuid, our online booking and payment system.  Please do not send your child to the club if you do not have a confirmed booking.  Dates are made available to book on a half termly basis.  Payment is made online at the time of booking.  We can also accept payment from your Tax Free Childcare account and Childcare Vouchers.  Please advise the school office who will adjust your account so that you are able to make a booking without making payment, and you will then be issued with an invoice.  If you would like to find out if you are eligible, please click the following link for the Childcare Choices website.  Further information about the scheme can be found on  The invoice should be paid within 7 working days; once the school has received payment your booking is secured.  If we do not receive payment within this time we will assume that you no longer wish to continue with the booking and cancel your booking.  If you are using Tax Free Childcare please remember to forward the HMRC receipt to  in confirmation of payment.  The clubs are self-financing and are not subsidised by the school’s main budget. 

We are registered with a number of Childcare Voucher services:

  • Edenred Account Number – P20505430
  • CGPS (Childcare Grant Payment Service) - CCG9429489
  • Computershare Voucher Account Number – 0014629387
  • Kiddivouchers – Post Code: BN43 6PE; Ofsted: 126049
  • Sodexo Account Number: 178336
  • Co-op Childcare Account Number: 85104536
  • Care4 Account Number: 79894376
  • RG Childcare Number: 58270793229
  • Fideliti Childcare Vouchers – Use school name and Post Code: BN43 6PE
  • Salary Exchange.
  • National Savings - sign into to register and get your code

Wrap around childcare for Armed forces Families

The Ministry of Defence has announced that after a series of successful pilots, wrap around childcare (WAC) will be available to all eligible Service personnel in the UK from autumn 2022. 

Service personnel can apply for up to 20 hours per week, term time only (39 weeks per year) of wraparound childcare funding for 4 to 11-year-old children attending before and after school clubs in the UK. To be eligible, the Service person and their partner, or a sole parent in a lone parent family, must be in paid employment, or re-starting work within the next 31 days, earning a weekly income equivalent to 16 hours at the National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage.

Funding can be used with any Ofsted approved (or equivalent) childcare setting, however the childcare provider must be able to accept payments from Tax-Free Childcare (TFC) accounts and a TFC account must be set up for each child that they want to claim funding for. To find out more, including more information around the eligibility criteria, please read these FAQs.


If you wish to change or cancel a session that you have booked please put this in writing.  Refunds will be given providing you give at least  four weeks' notice of cancellation.  If for some reason your child does not attend a session that you have booked e.g. for illness, refunds will not be given, except at the discretion of the Headteacher.

Contacting the Clubs

The school office is manned from 8.00am until 4.30pm, alternatively please call the clubs directly on 07849 643675.   


A minimum of two staff, employed by the school, will be responsible for the club each day. Typically this will be Teaching Assistants who know the children in the school very well.  

Code of Conduct

The clubs have a strict code of conduct as follows.  Children must:

  • Respect staff and other children
  • Look after school and club property
  • Keep to normal school rules and expectations

Children who break this code of conduct will either be given a warning or banned from the club.  There will be no refund and no right of appeal.

PLEASE NOTE: Parents may not use the school car park at any time.   If there is insufficient demand for the clubs, or the clubs close for other reasons,  six weeks’ notice will be given.

Journey togetherGuided by GodTo do the best we can