Our Christian Values
At St Nicolas and St Mary School, our Christian values are at the heart of everything we do, shaping pupils’ learning and behaviour and developing their spirituality. During our whole school worship we take time to consider different Christian values in a range of ways including: Bible stories, studying the life and work of influential individuals and charities, experiencing artworks, music and drama. During our regular class worship, children can dig deeper into these concepts through discussion and reflection with their teachers and peers. Pupils are encouraged to use their own creativity to explore different values, by answering Big Questions reflecting on what they have learnt from the Bible and producing their own artwork or performances.
Whilst embracing all Christian values, as a school we have decided that it is important for us to have five key values which best represent our vision, ethos and educational approach. As part of this process, we decided to consult the entire school community to gauge their views. We gave parents, pupils, governors and staff the opportunity to choose their top three values from the following selection: hope, creativity, thankfulness, friendship, respect, perseverance, responsibility, wisdom, service and compassion. We then used the information gathered to choose the five top values which, interestingly, were consistently popular across all voting groups. These values are central to the way we live and work within our school community and we hope that they will be remain with pupils when they leave our school to continue in their own spiritual journeys.
Following Jesus’ example, we place great value on friendship by developing the following characteristics: loyalty, kindness, compassion, respect, teamwork and the ability to have fun and share enjoyment with each other.
"Do for other people what you want them to do for you." Luke 6:31
As a school community, we understand that to feel compassion is to have the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, to ‘suffer’ with them and provide support with kindness, humility, service and sensitivity.
"Help each other with your troubles. When you do this, you truly obey the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2
As a Christian school we firmly believe in showing God our reverence and respect. Respecting others is also of upmost importance, within our school community, local area and in terms of all people across the world (see also our British Values – Mutual Respect).
"Show respect for all people. Love the brothers and sisters of God's family. Respect God." Peter 2:17
Sometimes called ‘Creation,’ this value reminds us of God as creator - of the wonderful world we live in and of us, his people. Creativity is at the heart of teaching and learning within our school and we place great importance on the creative arts and valuing the environment and talents God has given us.
"The heavens tell the glory of God. And the skies announce what his hands have made." Psalm 19:1
All of our Christian values can also be linked to our school vision statement:
Be Courageous, In God’s Faith, Hope and Love empowered to be Inspirational, Innovative and Inclusive
More information can be found about the values on the following website: http://www.christianvalues4schools.co.uk/
For information on Creativity see ‘Creation,’ and Respect see ‘Reverence.’