Our School
Headteacher’s Message
It is my pleasure to welcome you to St Nicolas and St Mary Church of England Primary School. We hope that the information on our website goes some way towards answering your questions about our school.
Our strong Christian ethos and values underpin all activities in this school We seek to encourage children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Pupils are positively encouraged to value themselves, respect each other and so contribute towards the Christian ethos of our school. We welcome all families of faith and no faith and have inclusion at the heart of all we do.
Each person who works and learns here is loved and valued and has a vital contribution to make to the life of the school. The partnership that we foster between parents, carers, Governors, the Church and the wider community is key. Everybody has their part to play in the nurture and education of our children. We are particularly keen to give parents the opportunity to give back to the school by offering their skills, expertise, time to improve the experiences for all our children.
We offer a positive learning environment which supports each individual within a sound structure of expectation. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which is ‘Inspirational, Innovative and Inclusive’ and keeps the children at the heart of all we do. Opportunities are provided to enrich and extend the children’s learning experiences as we promote creativity and enjoyment whilst having the courage to aim for excellence.
The school prides itself on offering a vast array of extra-curricular opportunities including music, dance and art. We have established an extensive range of sporting opportunities for children of all ages. The enthusiasm of staff and children has resulted in the school entering and winning tournaments in a wide range of sports with our individual sportspeople and teams competing at local, county and national level.
Standards at the school are very high and our End of Key Stage results are typically well above national averages. Children do very well at our school.
The school was last inspected by the Diocese (SIAMS- Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) in October 2024 and the school achieved the highest grading possible. "This is a school where people know they are loved".
Ofsted inspected the school in December 2024 and recognised that “the school has taken effective action to maintain the standards identified at the previous inspection maintained and safeguarding continues to be effective.”
We are excited to be able to offer a wide range of opportunities to come and visit the school on one of our tours and presentations. The dates for these and a huge amount of other information can be found on our school website www.stnicolasmary.w-sussex.sch.uk so do have a look to find out what we are up to!
You are very welcome to come and visit our school and see it in action.
Andrew Lincoln