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Please find below a selection of our policies which will provide you with useful information about our school.  Other policies are available to view on request.

  • Acceptable Use Policy for KS1 Pupils
  • Acceptable Use Policy for KS2 Pupils
  • Attendance - please contact the School Office, if you require any further information.
  • Behaviour & Safety
  • Accessibility Plan and Checklist - see Inclusion page
  • Collective Worship
  • Early Years Foundation Stage
  • Educational Visits
  • E-safety in Schools
  • Extra Curricular Clubs
  • Health - Sun
  • Homework Policy
  • Mobile Phone Policy
  • Parent Conduct Expectations
  • PSHE Subject Policy
  • Relationships and Sex Education Policy
  • Special Educational Needs & Disability - see Inclusion page
  • Uniform - Please click HERE to see the school's uniform policy.


Please click here to see the following trust policies:

  • Charging & Remissions
  • Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 
  • Competitive Tendering 
  • Complaints
  • Data Protection Act
  • Equality Information and objectives
  • First Aid Policy
  • Freedom of Information
  • Investment Policy
  • Privacy Notices
  • Stress Policy
  • Supporting pupils with medical conditions (including Managing Medicines in School)
  • Suspension and permanent exclusion
  • Whistleblowing

Journey togetherGuided by GodTo do the best we can