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Settling in

Induction for new Reception and Nursery Children

We aim to ensure that all children settle quickly and happily into reception and the nursery.  Our induction programme provides several opportunities for you and your child to share information with our staff and get to know them:

  • Parent Information Meeting (Reception only) – an opportunity for parents to meet staff and ask questions.
  • Story time –  children and parents listen to a story.
  • Teddy Bear’s picnic
  • Making an ‘All About Me’ book – children and parents complete a booklet with information for the teacher (Reception only).
  • Children will be given a transition book with simple pictures and information about Little Fishes or school, to help them feel at home when they arrive.

During the induction programme, parents can share information such as medical issues, special educational needs and disabilities or concerns.

Settling in

Our staff have plenty of experience to help your child come happily to school.  Some children find it difficult to settle into reception/nursery at the beginning of the day, particularly when they are new.  This is perfectly normal so try not to worry about this.  Initially parents/carers of nursery children are welcome to come in and help children hang up their coats and book bags.  As children grow in confidence they will be encouraged to become more independent.

Children usually settle very quickly when their parent has left.  We will let you know if your child does not settle and you can always ring up the office to check.  Helpful tips to make it easier for you and your child:

  • Be positive and encouraging, even over the smallest of achievements!
  • Some children go into school/nursery more easily with a friend – talk to your child about who they would like to go into school/nursery with and arrive a couple of minutes early to try and link up with your child’s chosen friend. 
  • Tell your child what you are going to be doing when he or she is at school/nursery ie at work, shopping or meeting someone and tell them that you (or someone else) will be back and will pick them up.
  • When you say “goodbye”, smile, be positive and don’t prolong it. 
  • Sometimes it can be very hard for parents to “let go” when their children start nursery or school.  Being consistent with children is essential – don’t give in to unreasonable requests by very little people.  Sometimes handing over your child to a member of staff demonstrates your trust in that person that they will care for and look after your child.  Your child will pick up on these vibes and this will help them settle. 
  • The most common reason for a child not settling is when a parent is hesitant about leaving the child.  The child is then not certain whether the parent is staying or going and this is unsettling. 

Remember to ensure that your child has sufficient sleep and plenty of time to play quietly when starting school/nursery – children do get tired when new routines and challenges are introduced!  Do ask your child how they got on at school/nursery but remember that they may want to simply switch off.  Sometimes asking them one thing that they did or what made them happy today may be enough.

Be COURAGEOUS! Live and Learn in FAITH, HOPE and LOVE