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The School Day

The information below is what usually happens for the school/nursery as a whole.  Occasionally, these timings may vary.  A typical school week is 32.5hrs per week.  Registration is from 8.45-8.55am.  The official start time of the school day is 8.55am and the end of the school day is 3.25pm (except Reception classes which finish at 3.15pm).

Octopus Breakfast Club for pre-booked children in reception to year 6, Monday to Friday.  Please use back door to the Rainbow Room.

8.00am – 8.45am

School Opens  

The school gate is unlocked and children go straight into their classrooms to do “early morning work”. We encourage children to go independently into the classrooms.  The Headteacher, Deputy or other member of staff is usually available by the gate to welcome children and talk to parents.  Parents/carers of nursery children may wait on the Cherry Tree playground but must supervise their children.


Nursery door opens

A member of staff welcomes children and is available to talk to parents/carers until 9.05am.



Children arriving after 8.55 am should come into school via the school office and be signed in by their parent/carer and registered as “late”.  Parents leaving the school after this time should do so via the school office.  The school gate will be locked at 8.55 am.  Nursery parents/carers arriving after this time can access the nursery via the internal door in the school office which will be opened by the office staff.


Lessons start


Collective Worship

On Friday assembly starts at 9.15am – this is often a class assembly to which parents are invited.  Reception children join in whole school assemblies when they are confident enough to do so. Nursery children sometimes join assemblies on special occasions.


Mid-morning break


Lessons continue


Nursery morning session closes

Parents are welcome to wait in the the school reception foyer until the children are ready, at which time the internal door will be opened and children can be collected from the nursery door.  Children must be supervised once handed over to parents/carers, and leave via the main entrance. (Children and parents should leave the playground by 12 noon when other children start their lunch break.)


Lunchtime commences


Nursery door opens for afternoon session


Registration and afternoon lessons commence

(Younger children may have an afternoon break)


Nursery afternoon session closes

Parents are welcome to wait in the school reception foyer until the children are ready, at which time the internal door will be opened and children can be collected from the nursery door.  Children must be supervised once handed over to parents/carers.


End of the school day         Reception           

                                                Years 1,2, 3, 4, 5 & 6

The school gates open at 3.10pm.

Please see the document below for Year group pick up locations on the school grounds.



After school clubs                                                                                                         To finish at

4.15pm or 4.30pm

Starfish After School Club for pre-booked children in reception to year 6, Monday to Thursday.  Please use back door to the Rainbow Room.

3.10pm – 5.30pm

Be COURAGEOUS! Live and Learn in FAITH, HOPE and LOVE