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Week 8 - w/b 01.06.20

Hi Seals and Sealions! 

Welcome back to final summer term!

Here is your home learning for Week 8! We can't wait to see some of it on SeeSaw. If you don't know how to get onto SeeSaw/ can't find your QR code, ask an adult to email the schools office and we will sort it out for you.

All activities you didn't complete two weeks ago need to be completed this week. With the exception of RE, which you need to complete weekly. There will be a new RE activity set next week.



We have also uploaded some documents which we think may help your learning (under Supporting Resources). Check back each week to look at what we've uploaded. 

We are also regularly uploading Star Challenges (under Star Challenges tab) these are optional but it would be great if you could have a go! 

Remember to check SeeSaw daily as we are not only sharing your work but messages from us and extra (fun!) activities!

We look forward to seeing your work soon! :) 

Miss Walker, Mrs Christy and Mrs Westcott :) 

Be COURAGEOUS! Live and Learn in FAITH, HOPE and LOVE