Week14 - w/b 13.07.20
WOW! Week 14 and the final week of home learning! We are so proud of all the fantastic learning you have been doing over these 14 weeks (17 if you include holidays!). Back in March when we were planning and organising for school closure no one could've guessed how long it would go on for (we thought our Literacy pack which had enough work for 8 weeks would be more than enough - how we were wrong!!)
For the children we see in school, we are so proud of how resilient and enthusiastic you have been throughout all of this, we know it must've been hard being at school when it was very different and you adapted amazingly! We have had so much fun with you. I know we can say on behalf of everyone you brightened up all of our days!
For the children at home, we are so proud of how well you have taken to homelearning. You home turned into everything for you but we have seen and heard how fantastic you have been! Looking on SeeSaw every evening and seeing all your fantastic learning day after day makes us even prouder to be your teachers! We are so excited that you are all back in September!
Have a wonderful summer holiday!
We will miss you all :)
From Miss Walker, Mrs Christy and Mrs Westcott xxx