Welcome to History at St Nicolas and St Mary CE Primary School!
Here you will find our history curriculum map, history milestones and some of our new history 'Knowledge Organisers' detailing the journey our children make as historians from year 1 to year 6. There are many fascinating and enjoyable history topics studied at our school and these allow us to enthuse all pupils with the joy of discovering the past.
Our History Vision
At St Nicolas and St Mary School, we inspire all our children with a history curriculum that enables them to become curious and independent learners. By examining the past and introducing children to aspirational historical figures, we consider how the past, at both a micro and a macro level, has an influence on our present. We passionately believe in the importance of cross-curricular links and history, often the focus of our ‘topic’ lessons, is frequently interwoven with, for example, English, art, music and D&T. This gives our pupils a rich and broad historical learning experience and children have a far greater understanding and knowledge of periods of history as a result. Children also have many opportunities to have hands-on experiences through role-play and drama, expert visitors and workshops as well as hugely engaging and popular class trips to destinations such as Arundel Castle and Newhaven Fort. All St Nicolas and St Mary pupils are encouraged to question, investigate and interpret the past in order to explore their own personal histories, local area history and significant periods of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. This empowers our pupils with a strong chronological understanding and an ardent enthusiasm for historical
History Knowledge Organisers
Everything you need to know about our history topics!
Year 1 Knights and Castles Knowledge Organiser
Year 2 The Great Fire of London Knowledge Organiser
Year 2 Neil Armstrong Knowledge Organiser
Year 2 Christopher Columbus Knowledge Organiser
Year 3 The Victorians Knowledge Organiser
Year 3 The Mayans Knowledge Organiser
Year 3 Roman Britain Knowledge Organiser
Year 4 Ancient Egypt Knowledge Organiser
Year 4 The Tudors Knowledge Organiser
Year 5 Ancient Greece Knowledge Organiser
Year 5 Anglo-Saxons and Vikings Knowledge Organiser
Year 6 WW2 Knowledge Organiser
Year 6 Prehistory Knowledge Organiser
High-Class History
Please enjoy these videos showcasing history at our school.
A fantastic example of the Year 6 WW2 'Living Waxwork' project.
Lockdown History
When schools returned to face-to-face teaching in March 2021, all classes spent some time reflecting on the unusual period of history that we are living through. Classes explored ideas about preserving our modern history for future generations through artwork and writing as well as considering what might be a potential artefact of the future from this time period.
Respect for All
As a school, we are keen to promote the importance of diversity within our school, community and country both through focussed teaching activities in the classroom and through extra-curricular experiences. On 26th September 2024, we had another visit from ‘African Activities’ who offer the opportunity to engage with Black and African Culture by sharing superb creative artistic experiences that disrupt preconceptions, create community, drive excellence and break barriers. This year our focus was on dance and the Akan Twi language. Each year group enjoyed a workshop.