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Our Staff & Governors

Senior Team

Mr Lincoln


Dr Bishop

Deputy Headteacher - Inclusion

Mrs Woodman

Assistant Headteacher - Teaching & Learning

Mrs Cooke

School Business Manager

Phase Leaders



Mrs Woodman

Phase Leader - KS1

 (Years 1 & 2)  

Mr MacAllister

Phase Leader - Lower KS2 (Years 3 & 4)

Mr de Waal

Phase Leader - Upper KS2 (Years 5 & 6)


Early Years Foundation Stage Team - Nursery and Reception Classes

Ms Baker

Little Fishes Nursery

Mrs Allier

Little Fishes Nursery

Mrs Lazenby

Class Teacher - Reception

Mrs Wainwright

Reception Teacher

Mrs Wren

EYFS Lead and Class Teacher - Reception

Key Stage 1 Team - Years 1 and 2

Mrs Bannier

Class Teacher - KS1

Ms Cleaver

Class Teacher - KS1

Ms Gallagher

Class Teacher - KS1

Miss Sinden

Class Teacher - KS1

Mrs Westcott

Class Teacher - KS1

Key Stage 2 Team - Years 3 to 6

Mrs Batchelor

Class Teacher - KS2

Mrs Christy

Class Teacher - KS2

Mrs Crawford

Class Teacher - KS2

Mr Davies

Class Teacher - KS2

Mr de Waal

Class Teacher - KS2

Miss Freeman

Class Teacher - KS2

Ms Goss

Class Teacher - KS2

Mr MacAllister

Class Teacher - KS2

Mrs Stenning

Class Teacher - KS2

 Miss Wells

Class Teacher - KS2


Mrs Woodman

Class Teacher - KS2





Support Staff

Mrs Akehurst

Teaching Assistant and BC & ASC Superviser

Miss Baggs

Teaching Assistant &  Sport Development Teacher

Mrs Backshall

Teaching Assistant

Ms Bailey-Morris

Teaching Assistant

Miss Bittles

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Bricknell

Teaching Assistant

 Mrs Bucknall

Teaching Assistant

Miss Christie

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Collins

Home School Link Worker

Mrs Cook

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Cox

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Ellis

Teaching Assistant

Ms Emmett

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Gullick

Teaching Assistant & Sport Development Teacher

Mrs Hodges

Teaching Assistant





Mrs Horlock

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Jenkins

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Kalka-Bridle

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Manns

Teaching Assistant

Mr MacGregor

Teaching Assistant


Mrs Masters

Assistant SENDCO

Mrs Murphy

Teaching Assistant

Miss Simmons

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Weller

Teaching Assistant



Office Staff



Miss Channon

Clerical Assistant

Mrs Kennard

Finance and Clerical Officer

Mrs Parker

Office Manager

Mrs Weller

Clerical Assistant



Premises Team


Mr Davis

Premises Manager

Mr Farbridge

Midday Meal Supervisor & Cleaner

Mrs McClelland


Mr Tel


Mr Redford

Senior Midday Meal Supervisor & Teaching Assistant






Home School Link Worker (HSLW)

Our HSLW is Mrs Beccy Collins.  Her aim is to work in partnership with parents/carers, staff and other agencies to support families to ensure that all children enjoy school and feel happy and secure.  We know children thrive and reach their full potential when home and school are working in partnership to support their development.  Our HSLW can help parents/carers and children who may need support on a range of issues, for example, anxiety about coming into school, medical problems, parental separation, bereavement, attendance and punctuality.  The HSLW is available on the school gate morning apart from Wednesday from 8.45 – 9am and can also offer set appointments. 

Supply Teachers and Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs)

Teachers have to be released from the classroom for training, meetings, monitoring, preparation, planning, assessment etc.   We have a team of supply teachers who regularly work in the school and get to know our children very well.  We also have a number of qualified HLTAs working under the direction of class teachers who can take the class for some lessons.


The school welcomes many students from local secondary schools, colleges and universities.  They make a valuable contribution to children’s learning as well as gaining work experience or professional qualifications.  All students undergo checks and an induction process.

Peripatetic Music Teachers

We currently have music teachers for violin, guitar, drums, piano, woodwind, vocals and harmonica.

Our Governors 

There are 3 core functions to school governance:

  • To provide a strategic view.
  • To be a supportive but critical friend.
  • To monitor performance.

As a Local Governing Body under the Bishop Otter Academy Trust, we work with the Head Teacher and other senior leaders to ensure that children in our care receive an excellent education.

The Local Governing Body is also responsible for Little Fishes Nursery.

Governors are unpaid volunteers and, with the exception of staff governors, do not have to be education professionals. Each governor serves for up to a four-year term. A chair and vice-chair are elected by the Governors once a year. The Local Governing Body is supported by a clerk, to help organise its business.

There are different types of Governors, including Foundation Governors (appointed by the churches of St Nicolas and St Mary as the school's founding body and the Bishop Otter Academy Trust), Parent Governors (elected by parents of children at the school), Staff Governors (nominated by staff) and Co-opted Governors (appointed by governing body). 

The Local Governing Body meets every half-term with additional subcommittees and working parties as required. The minutes of each meeting are publicly available. 

You can contact the Chair of Governors via the school office.

Name Type of Governor & Appointment Date Committee membership Business Interests Educational Link Personal Relationship
Mrs Julie Searle

Joint Vice chair


Child Protection Governor, member of Admissions  committee

None None None

Mr Ed Downes

Church Representative (Foundation)


  None None Family member attends school
Mrs Susan Emberlin

Church Representative (Foundation) and Joint Vice chair


SEND Governor, Chair of Admissions committee

None None None
Father James Grant

Ex-officio Church Representative (Foundation)


Safeguarding Governor, member of Admissions committee Director of Adur Community Cafe None

Family member attends school

Mrs Helen Harvey

Chair of Governing Body, Church Representative (Foundation)


Pupil Premium Champion, SEND Governor, member of Admissions committee

Owner / Consultant of a payroll provider Roedean School employee - payroll & pensions manager


Mrs Pauline Higgins

Church Representative (Foundation)


  Widewater Ward councillor None None
Mrs Amy Jenkins



  None Early Years Leader at Woodingdean Primary School  Family member attends school
Miss Tracy Wells



  None None None
Mr Kingsley Wildman



member of Admissions committee

Property Management Company Director since 2008  

Family member

attends school

The Headteacher attends all Local Governing Board meetings. The Local Governing Body can invite other members of staff or the local community to attend meetings.

Governors are requested to sign a Register of business and financial interests at the beginning of each academic year.  They must declare any relevant business interests and details of any other educational establishments.  The current governing body members have declared no relevant business or financial interests.  Please click on this link to see meeting attendance and appointment details.

If you are interested in becoming a Governor we would be delighted to hear from you.  Please do ask a Governor or the school office if you would like further information.


Be COURAGEOUS! Live and Learn in FAITH, HOPE and LOVE