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Weekly Bulletin

Please click on the link below to read our parent and carer bulletins!  The bulletin is usually issued every Friday and provides you with information about events/trips/visits that are taking place the following week and other reminders or items we need to share with you!

As part of the weekly parent/carer bulletin, we pass on advertising and information from other organisations that we think may be of interest to you.  Adverts appear at the end of the weekly bulletin.  We attach this advertising to the bulletin for environmental reasons (they were previously printed as leaflets to go into book bags), to minimise the number of different emails sent out to parents & carers, and to help keep parents & carers informed about events, activities and projects happening in the community in a timely manner.  Please be assured that we do not share your personal data with these organisations and as we do not receive any advertising income we are free to refuse the advertising if we deem that it is not appropriate.  If you feel that a particular advert or the frequency of a particular advert is inappropriate please do contact the school.

Autumn Term 2024

Weekly Bulletin 16 - 10 January 

Weekly Bulletin 15 - 20 December  

Weekly Bulletin 14 - 13 December

Weekly Bulletin 13 - 6 December

Weekly Bulletin 12 - 29 November

Weekly Bulletin 11 - 22 November

Weekly Bulletin 10 - 15 November

Weekly Bulletin 09 - 8 November

Weekly Bulletin 08 - 25 October

Weekly Bulletin 07 - 18 October

Weekly Bulletin 06 - 11 October

Weekly Bulletin 05 - 04 October

Weekly Bulletin 04 - 27 September  

Weekly Bulletin 03 - 20 September  

Weekly Bulletin 02 - 13 September 

Weekly Bulletin 01 - 06 September

Summer Term 2024

Weekly Bulletin 39 - 19 July

Weekly Bulletin 38 - 12 July

Weekly Bulletin 37 - 5 July

Weekly Bulletin 36 - 28 June

Weekly Bulletin 35 - 21 June

Weekly Bulletin 34 - 14 June 

Weekly Bulletin 33 - 7 June 

Weekly Bulletin 32 - 24 May

Weekly Bulletin 31 - 17 May 

Weekly Bulletin 30 - 10 May

Weekly Bulletin 29 - 3 May

Weekly Bulletin 28 - 26 April

Weekly Bulletin 27 - 19 April

Be COURAGEOUS! Live and Learn in FAITH, HOPE and LOVE